T.M. Ravi

Photo By: Bill Helsel

T. M. Ravi has a successful track record as a serial entrepreneur and technology executive. Ravi is Managing Director of The Hive – a studio to co-create, fund, and launch AI-powered enterprise startups. He has started over 25 startups including 3 where he was founder & CEO. Ravi was also CMO for Iron Mountain, VP of Marketing at Computer Associates (CA), and VP at Cheyenne Software. Ravi earned an MS and Ph.D. from UCLA and a Bachelor of Technology from IIT, Kanpur, India. Ravi is the host of The Hive Think Tank, a thought leadership forum and community of over 11,000 members with weekly events on technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He is a frequent speaker at public events and spoke on “Social Impact and Ethics of Robotics” at Burning Man. He has been involved in several arts-related non-profits and is on the board of Montalvo Art Center, a donor-supported organization dedicated to the arts on a 175-acre historic property in Saratoga, California. At Montalvo, he was the co-chair of the Lucas Artists Residency Program (LAP). He and his wife Francine love hiking, travel, and the arts, and split their time between their homes in Marshall and Portola Valley, CA.