The Rich Stallcup Youth Scholarship Fund provides opportunities for underserved youth to experience Point Reyes National Seashore via fun, all-day and overnight environmental education programs.

The fund is dedicated in honor of Rich Stallcup, who, as a teenager in the 1950’s with a keen interest in wildlife (but no formal scientific training), discovered Point Reyes to be an internationally important stopover for migrating birds. Rich’s bird findings spurred more findings, and the recorded count at the Seashore is now 490 bird species (more than half the count from all of North America). The birds found by Rich also imbued life (wildlife) into the establishment of Point Reyes National Seashore, initially considered important only for its scenic and recreational values.
Rich’s enthusiasm contributed to the expansion of birding far beyond what was previously a scientific cataloging of dead specimens into what is now a national pastime full of life and fun. Rich was a founding biologist at Point Reyes Bird Observatory, the first such observatory in the U.S, that now continues as Point Blue Conservation Science. Bird research is an important foundation for conservation work, and Rich was involved with many struggles to preserve places for nature, including Mono Lake.
An avid naturalist, Rich was interested in “all things wild” and was an extraordinary teacher who inspired countless adults and children with his great knowledge and good humor. Rich’s friends and colleagues hope that the Rich Stallcup Youth Scholarship Fund provides opportunities for youth to make their own discoveries, just as Rich did as a youth and beyond.