Down For the Count: Exploring Bird Diversity and Abundance at Point Reyes
December 15, 2024For over fifty years the Point Reyes Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has been an annual tradition monitoring the winter populations of over two hundred species of birds here. Point Reyes National Seashore and adjoining areas rank in the top ten of over two thousand counts nationwide in terms of species diversity. This remarkable accomplishment is mostly the result of the wide variety of habitats here.
The day after the 2024 count we will enjoy some of this amazing avian diversity in a number of short walks. This will be a moderately fast paced outing with the focus of seeing a lot of birds, but allowing time to learn bird identification by sight and sound.
David has compiled the CBC for twenty years and will share information on population trends of the birds of Point Reyes. Learn which birds are more common here than in the past and conversely which are now uncommon. To actually participate in the official count on December 14 go to
David Wimpfheimer is a professional naturalist and biologist. For almost forty years David has pursed his passion, natural history of the America West. He enthusiastically shares his extensive knowledge about all aspects of the natural world with many groups including Smithsonian Institution, California Academy of Sciences, Road Scholar and Oceanic Society.
-We will be meeting at the Bear Valley Picnic Area
– Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in
– Refunds available for all classes 7 days in advance of the start date, after 7 days and before 2 days, participants can credit their class for a future date. All requests before 48 hours in advance will be declined. For COVID policy, see below.
– Please follow the parking instructions for the facility used that day
– Please provide an email you check regularly for updates and reminders about your class
– Registration is required online prior to the event in order to maintain class sizes
– Sales end 48 hours before the start date.
– Waitlists are available when the class sells out
What to Bring:
Binoculars are highly recommended
Day Pack
Lunch Bag
Warm Variable Weather Clothing
Hiking Shoes
Water Bottle
Notebook and Pen/Field Journal
Eventbrite Confirmation Email
Camera (Optional)
About the PRNSA Field Institute:
The PRNSA Field Institute offers hands-on environmental education classes throughout the year that foster enjoyment of Point Reyes National Seashore. Our classes are led by expert instructors, who take you out of your everyday life and into the natural world. We host a variety of classes about the arts and sciences and have something for everyone. You can reach the Field Institute at (415) 663-1200 x304 or by email at
Interested in becoming a member of PRNSA? Click Here!
Interested in becoming a PRNSA Field Institute facilitator? Want to take classes for FREE while helping out a great cause? Give us a call!
Are you an outdoor educator or artist who would like to teach a PRNSA Field Institute class? Shoot us an Email!
For any questions, please email us at
COVID-19 Field Institute Guidelines
Please respect the following COVID-19 procedures:
• Perform a health self-check before coming to class using the CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus as a guide
• Do not attend class if you are experiencing COVID symptoms, know that you have had a close exposure, or are suffering from any flu-like or respiratory illness
• Contact the Field Institute if you will not be able to attend due to COVID. You may be eligible to receive a full or partial refund
• Participants exhibiting signs of respiratory illness may be asked to leave class
• Masks are optional at your discretion
• Please bring your own food and water
All guidelines are subject to change pursuant to State or County Health order updates.
Thank you for your cooperation in following these guidelines to help keep everyone safe.