Drawing Spring Flowers in Colored Pencil

Drawing Spring Flowers in Colored Pencil

March 23, 2024
Create the transparent look and vibrant colors of spring flowers using botanical illustration, color theory, and colored pencil techniques!

Join me to draw the flowers of spring, daffodils, tulips, fruit tree blossoms, wildflowers or whatever is happening in your world at this time of year. Colored Pencils are a fun, safe, and portable way to express oneself artistically. They are slow, calming, and meditative, easy to use for the beginner and challenging for the advanced artist. Watercolor pencils allow us to create the transparent look of some of the flowers or give us an underpainting for richer more vibrant color.

We will spend time drawing several flowers, make color choices, and work on application. We will play with watercolor pencil or regular watercolor and applying dry colored pencils over or on their own. Using botanical drawing techniques, learn the basics of color theory, drawing, and application, maybe even a little botany. All levels welcome.

Nina Antze has a Fine Arts degree and a Certificate in Botanical Illustration from the New York Botanical Gardens. and studied at the Ruskin School of Art in Oxford. She teaches throughout California and on zoom. Her quilt was recently selected for the deYoung Open. View her botanicals at pcquilt.com


-We will be meeting at the Red Barn Classroom in Bear Valley, Point Reyes

– Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in

– Refunds available for all classes 7 days in advance of the start date, after 7 days and before 2 days, participants can credit their class for a future date. All requests before 48 hours in advance will be declined. For COVID cancellation policy, see below.

– Please follow the parking instructions for the facility used that day

– Please provide an email you check regularly for updates and reminders about your class

– Registration is required online prior to the event in order to maintain class sizes

– Sales end 48 hours before the start date.

– Waitlists are available when the class sells out

What to Bring

A materials list will be emailed to registered participants ahead of class


Warm Variable Weather Clothing

Water Bottle

Notebook and Pen/Field Journal

Eventbrite Confirmation Email

Camera (Optional)

About the PRNSA Field Institute

The PRNSA Field Institute offers hands-on environmental education classes throughout the year that foster enjoyment of Point Reyes National Seashore. Our classes are led by expert instructors, who take you out of your everyday life and into the natural world. We host a variety of classes about the arts and sciences and have something for everyone. You can reach the Field Institute at (415) 663-1200 x304 or by email at fieldinstitute@ptreyes.org.

Interested in becoming a member of PRNSA? Click Here!

Interested in becoming a PRNSA Field Institute volunteer facilitator, or are you an outdoor educator or artist who would like to teach a PRNSA Field Institute class? Send an Email!

For any questions, please email us at fieldinstitute@ptreyes.org.

COVID-19 Field Institute Guidelines

Please respect the following COVID-19 procedures:

· Perform a health self-check before coming to class using the CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus as a guide

· Do not attend class if you are experiencing COVID symptoms, know that you have had a close exposure, or are suffering from any flu-like or respiratory illness

· Contact the Field Institute if you will not be able to attend due to COVID. You may be eligible to receive a full or partial refund

· Participants exhibiting signs of respiratory illness may be asked to leave class

· Masks are optional at your discretion

· Please bring your own food and water

All guidelines are subject to change pursuant to State or County Health order updates.

Thank you for your cooperation in following these guidelines to help keep everyone safe.