Kaleo & Elise Ching

In the galaxies and stars, in Mother Earth and all her nature beings, Qi, vital energy, is pulsating. Nature’s cycles of creative energy can be seen in the lives of the stars, the seasons of the year, the realms of stones, plants, animals, and humans, in their ideas, imagination, and creative expression. Qigong, an ancient Taoist shamanic practice grounded in the holistic principles of Chinese Medicine, cultivates harmony with the rhythms of the natural world and interconnectedness with the life of the universe.

Kaleo and Elise met 34 years ago. They shared a common experience – working in the San Francisco county jails – Elise as a Registered Nurse and Kaleo as a teacher of Qigong, meditation, and art. Since then, they have co-taught Qigong, guided journeying, and transformative art to cultivate awareness of our interconnectedness with all that is and bring to light universal wisdom. They have taught this process for educational institutions, including John F. Kennedy University (25 years) and University of Transpersonal Psychology, healing arts and spiritual communities, environmental and farm communities, ILM/LucasFilms, incarcerated populations, and other venues nationally and internationally. This process promotes harmony with the energies of heaven, earth, and all of nature – beyond and within. For Kaleo and Elise, “We love seeing the sparks of inspiration and creativity in the hearts of our students and witnessing how they take what they discover and influence their communities.”

They co-authored Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist (Blue Snake Books, 2007), The Creative Art of Living, Dying, and Renewal (North Atlantic Books, 2014); Faces of Your Soul: Rituals in Art, Maskmaking, and Guided Imagery with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Totem Animals (North Atlantic Books, 2006); and others.

Kaleo also has a private practice in Hawaiian Lomilomi massage, acupressure, and hypnotherapy.
