POPP 2024 (Post-Event)

Thank You for Celebrating Year 15 With Us!

Thanks to the dedicated community who love Point Reyes National Seashore, our 15th annual Party on the Pacific Plate on September 21st was a celebration to remember. This year’s event focused on restoring relationships, beginning with afternoon walks throughout the Seashore to get to know the park’s ecosystems and the collaborative efforts to care for them. Through spending time with National Park Service staff, Point Reyes National Seashore Association (PRNSA) conservation staff, and visiting naturalists, guests deepened their knowledge of bears, elk, fire, eelgrass, dunes, wetlands, and the Coast Miwok connection to the land, past and present. The celebration continued as 400 guests gathered (and danced!) under the trees at Bear Valley to the sounds of the San Francisco Latin Jazz Youth Ensemble and SambaDá and enjoyed a harvest meal featuring local bounty. 

We were honored to have Chairman Greg Sarris of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria welcome guests to the land and Jorge Lara, Education Director at Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, share the impact of being a Youth in Parks program partner. Together, Peralta and PRNSA are connecting an Oakland community to the Seashore to expand the community of people who love, understand, and care for places like Point Reyes National Seashore and beyond. 

I am proud to share that we raised $453,000 in combined sponsorships, ticket sales, and the on-site Fund A Need appeal to support our conservation, education, and community. We are so grateful to our sponsors, guests, volunteers, Youth in Parks partners, and staff for the wonderful day in the park and for the funds that will sustain and expand our conservation, education, and community-building work in the months to come.

In community,

Donna Faure
Executive Director
Point Reyes National Seashore Association

Thank You 2024 Event Sponsors

Thank You 2024 Event Support and Volunteers

Thank You 2024 Staff and Board