Animal Tracking and Awareness
October 22, 2021In this all day field workshop, we will go for a group wandering journey in one of our prime wildlife locations, carefully observing every track and sign we can find from the ongoing patterns of local animal activity.
We will work on learning how to read animal tracks in various substrates for what they can tell us about ongoing animal life as well as all the signs that animals leave of their presence and activity. We will learn how to make the all-important shift out of our busy mental states into a calm and open sensory state–the true meditation of nature awareness, and learn how to let the animals lead us into a profoundly joyful and peaceful state of mind, a state of heightened sensory perception.
Together we will learn how to add up and interpret the smallest and most subtle signs of animal life, and how they relate to the overall landscape ecology to build a holistic picture of the mostly invisible world of animal activity all around us.
Richard Vacha has been studying animal tracking for 30 years and has been teaching tracking and nature awareness for the last 20 years through the Marin Tracking Club and the Pt.Reyes Tracking School. Check out our website for more details about the philosophy of tracking and the programs we are currently offering:
Photo Credit: Galen Leeds
– We will meet at the Bear Valley Picnic Tables then drive by car-caravan to tracking destinations from there.
– Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in
– Refunds available for all classes 7 days in advance of the start date, after 7 days and before 2 days, participants can credit their class for a future date. All requests before 48 hours in advance will be declined. For COVID cancellation policy, see below.
– Please follow the parking instructions for the facility used that day
– Please provide an email you check regularly for updates and reminders about your class
– Registration is required online prior to the event in order to maintain class sizes
– Sales end 48 hours before the start date.
– Waitlists are available when the class sells out
What to Bring:
Day Pack
Lunch Bag
Warm Variable Weather Clothing
Hiking Shoes
Water Bottle
Notebook and Pen/Field Journal
Eventbrite Confirmation Email
Binoculars (Optional)
Camera (Optional)
About the PRNSA Field Institute:
The PRNSA Field Institute offers hands-on environmental education classes throughout the year that foster enjoyment of Point Reyes National Seashore. Our classes are led by expert instructors, who take you out of your everyday life and into the natural world. We host a variety of classes about the arts and sciences and have something for everyone. You can reach the Field Institute at (415) 663-1200 x304 or by email at
Interested in becoming a member of PRNSA? Click Here!
Interested in becoming a PRNSA Field Institute facilitator? Want to take classes for FREE while helping out a great cause? Give us a call!
Are you an outdoor educator or artist who would like to teach a PRNSA Field Institute class? Shoot us an Email!
For any questions, please email us at
COVID-19 Field Institute Guidelines
In accordance with Marin County and CDC guidelines for public health, we will require all participants to respect the following COVID-19 procedures:
• Perform a health self-check before coming to class using the CDC Symptoms of Coronavirus as a guide
• Do not attend class if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, suspect you have been exposed to the virus, or are suffering from any other flu-like or respiratory illness.
• Participants exhibiting signs of respiratory illness may be asked to leave class
During class all participants will be required to do the following
• Fully vaccinated individuals may remove masks for outdoor classes
• Unvaccinated individuals are required to wear a face covering unless further than 6’ from other participants in an outdoor class
• All participants may be required to wear masks for indoor classes per current CDC and county recommendations at the time of class
• Bring your own food and water
• The sharing of equipment will be minimized and when necessary will include sanitizing before and after use.
NOTE: Refund policy exceptions will be made for participants cancelling last minute due to COVID-19 infection or symptoms. Please contact us in this case.
Thank you for your continuing cooperation in following these guidelines to help keep everyone safe.